Fundraising and Innovation Intelligence Capacity for youth organisations and youth-involved young people
Fundraising and Innovation Intelligence Capacity for youth organisations and youth-involved young people
As the old institutions of industrial society family, community, social class – are undermined by globalisation, economic instability, cuts in education and welfare budgets and withdrawal of support for transitions from school to higher education and to work – young people must learn to ‘navigate the risk society’ for themselves. For young people and especially for those coming from disadvantaged communities, these risks are amplified through social class, gender, ethnicity and geography. Nowadays there is growing recognition that extracurricular youth education can (amongst other services and offers) sustainably promote the type of basic and key competences that are increasingly understood as preparation for working life and a general enhancement of employability. Youth work aimed at the prevention of social exclusion encompasses counselling, support, education, training, and employment opportunities for socially disadvantaged and/or individually impaired young people in order to support their social integration, their formal education and their integration into the labour market and/or adult life.
The main aim of the project is to support youth organisations (including informal youth groups active in the youth environment) to acquire a set of skills that allow them to use fundraising and innovation intelligence to participate more widely in society, contributing to community development and social cohesion. Through the project we empower young people, promote youth participation and solidarity and promote awareness of how they can contribute to their communities. Moreover we will develop Youth Workers and YP’ s high level skills and competences through the creation of the Toolkit and an informal learning dynamic training package with focus in the development of Innovation Intelligence of Youth Organisations, centralising the acquisition of fundraising skills.
The project will produce – with elements co-created and tested with 60 young people (15 per partner):
- a Toolkit for youth workers, youth organisations and young people, useful in general to all those who want to take part in a fundraising activity and to be involved in a process to increase
organisational intelligence in the sense of innovation. - a Coaching set and a knowledge community.
- a Training camp for young people from each partner. The camp will focus on co-creating with the young people elements of the toolkit and coaching sets.
- an Evaluation framework to assess the impact of takeover days using participatory methods.
01/03/2020 - 28/02/2022