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Navigators on Creative Seas


Navigators on Creative Seas


“Creativity at work is rapidly becoming one of the most important and in-demand skills” (The World Economic Forum). Our common understanding is that creativity in youth work is a social process, where the solutions are found in networking, cooperation between multicultural groups and teams with complementary competences and skills. Creativity is not just an economic engine or one of the 3 most desired skill by employers, but also a way to make social, political and cultural challenges and changes. Creativity and design thinking will be the main pillars of the project, and the youth workers and NGOs will develop the ability to solve problems, to envisage new solutions to social problems, to exercise the imagination and exercise playfulness, to allow colleagues and young people to bring on the surface their potential to innovate.


The main aim of the project „Navigators on Creative Seas” is to develop, by August 2019 the creative and innovative potential of 132 youth workers through 1 non-formal training course – 32 participants who will share their newly acquired know-how with other 100 local youth workers through a new curriculum on creativity and design thinking and 1 e-learning instrument: a free MOOC about creativity.


Through the project, our team offered professional support to 32 youth workers from 8 NGOs, through a TC based on creative non-formal methods, increase their capacity to innovate through a 9d TC about design thinking, creativity and e-learning. Moreover, we have raised awareness about the importance of innovation in youth NGOs and the creative projects for young people with fewer opportunities and not only through 1 MOOC about creativity in youth work and through 8 DEOR workshops for min 100 European youth workers and 8 local workshops for 120 young people with fewer opportunities.
During the project we have launched our first e-learning platform: Monomyths Learning,

  • Skills

    Creativity, Innovation

  • Duration:

    01/01/2019 - 31/07/2019

  • Programme:


Open Website

Navigators on Creative Seas – A creativity booklet