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Story Tailors at training

Emilia - 08/04/2016 - 0 comments

We are continuously try to learn and test new tools and communication channels for NGOs. Therefore, together with our Happiness Officer, Andreea Prisăcariu, we’ve accepted the invitation from Erste Foundation to participate at the 2 days online marketing workshop for NGO.

We’ve improved our know-how on defining the audience of an online communication campaign, setting objectives or usage of social media channels in reaching objectives: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. Daniel Matei, the trainer of the workshop shared with us how to use Google Adwords & Google Grants in reaching our objectives, and how to develop an attractive website and useful blog  for our not-for-profit organisations.

We are happy to see that are made concrete steps for NGOs to support their development in terms of communication. We are eager to participate at the next 2 workshops organised by ERSTE Foundation in October and November 2016 – one about Strategic development and one about volunteers management.