In My Element Series – the leadership expedition of European youth workers
Between 18-24 May 2021, Monomyths Association facilitated an intensive training course on "leadership and...

Kick-off -Fundraising & Innovation Intelligence
Monomyths Association joins the project Fundraising and Innovation intelligence capacity for youth organisations (FUND...
How I've said NO to plastic in December?
In November I’ve started a transformative journey that made me aware of the impact...
Monomyths joins EUCAN Network
For the past 18 months, Monomyths Association joined EUCAN network, an initiative of...
Navigators on Creative Seas - DEOR
Media coverage - The press release of the project has been distributed to the...
Creative People Say ...
A Hungarian psychology professor once wrote to famous creators asking them to be interviewed...
Want to be a creative genius? Choose progress, not perfection
When you aim for perfection, you discover it’s a moving target. George Fisher Inappropriate...
How to maintain a state of creative ‘flow’?
Often, when we talk about high-performance, we inevitably talk about flow, that elusive state...
How to develop a creativity and innovation culture in your Youth nonprofit?
There doesn’t seem to be a shortage of tough issues facing associations and nonprofits....
Navigators on Creative Seas – an intensive creativity training for European youth workers
Between April 11-19,2019, Monomyths Association from Romania and 7 nonprofit organisations host in Bucharest...
Quality Qualification Vocational Educational Training (QQVET)
QQVET project respond to the European Commission’s communication, Rethinking Education: Investing in skills for...
Monomyths team join EUCAN Network
EU CAN, a new European Network explore alternatives to the rising rhetoric of hate...
Inspirational trainers - the Monomyths team
Peace education by tackling radicalization of youth! Radicalization (or radicalisation) is a process by which an...
Once upon a time we've met story tailors from Bucharest
In January 2017, C'mon Center from Bucharest hosted us to organize a communication workshop...
Snapchat for nonprofits?
Launched in 2011, Snapchat is an image and video messaging app that is very popular...
Experience the story tailers!
It’s not often in life that you are granted with an experience that whirls...