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Kick-off -Fundraising & Innovation Intelligence

Emilia - 22/04/2020 - 0 comments

Monomyths Association joins the project Fundraising and Innovation intelligence capacity for youth organisations (FUND YOU), which has been selected and funded by the Belgian National Agency, under the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, KA 2.
Through this project 6 not-for-profit organizations will support youth organizations (including informal youth groups active in the youth environment) to acquire a set of skills that allow them to use fundraising and innovation intelligence to participate more widely in society, contributing to community development and social cohesion.

For 30 months, the main beneficiaries of the project, youth workers and young people will develop a selection of essential fundraising skills and competences, test a comprehensive Fundraising and Innovation Intelligence toolkit, as well as an informal learning dynamic training package. At the end of the project, the beneficiaries will increase the efficiency and the efficacy of youth organisations that will benefit from the programme, so that they will be able to count on acquired capacity to organize in an innovative way, to do fundraising and, therefore, to help to sustain themselves and to support the community/youth environment which is part of their ecosystem.

Moreover, the consortium will design a Knowledge Centre & Community which focuses on supporting youth organisations in exchanging experiences of the organisational development programme as well as promoting knowledge transfer around social innovation in the youth sector.

Fundraising and Innovation intelligence capacity for youth organisations ( 2019-3-BE04-KA205-002640) is a project coordinated by Alphabet Formation in partnership with Monomyths Association, co-funded through Erasmus+ Program, K Action 2: Strategic Partnerships for youth.